Astra Loves Italy


L'Officiel Singapore

EYES ON THE PRIZE Editorial+Video
All people in this editorial:
Greg Swales - Photographer
Lavoisier Clemente - Director
Giorgio Ammirabile - Fashion Editor/Stylist
Michele Qureshi - Hair Stylist
Make up: Ivona Milošević
Zhenya Katava - Model

American Boy

Jamie Wise for Essential Homme Video

Donna Moderna

Numero speciale "Talento Italiano"

Giuliano Fujiwara

Advertising Campaign and video

Saveurs Des Hommes

Video by Senio Zapruder
Music by Stefano Riva
Hair by Michele Qureshi
Food design by
Models: Demy Matzen, Saatoshi Toja, Janice Fronimakis, Thorben Gärtner, Lenz von Johnston, Tarik Lakehal, Greg Nawr

21th century by Rankin

Speciale Dougles Kirkland for Amica